Massage Charting Method Collaboration (MCMC)

Charting for massage therapists is a big problem.  There is minimal uniformity in capturing, analyzing and recording patient/client data, varying regulations from multiple authorities to comply with, no standard approach to benchmark or outcome measure soft-tissue dysfunction, and the multiple sectors served – spa, rehab, massage-centred, human performance/workplace wellness – require different charting benchmarks and outcome measures based on different intentions.  In my presentation of this material for almost 10 years, I’ve found charting to be a source of angst for many massage therapists.

I propose we use the power of social media to create that standard, to work through the issues and to arrive at a comprehensive, effective charting methodology applicable across all sectors served.  Hence the Massage Charting Method Collaboration (MCMC).

I propose the following guidelines for the MCMC:

  1. Meaningful to massage therapists – MSK/myofascial focused, with secondary (as opposed to primary) representation of orthopedic/neurological measures
  2. Applicable to all sectors served – spa, rehab, massage-centred, human performance/workplace wellness
  3. Effective (captures the necessary and important information) and efficient (saves time, eliminates waste)
  4. Prevents harm to client/patient or practitioner – screens directly for red or yellow flags/contra-indications to care and ensures practitioner’s records are defendable
  5. Simple and clear – removes unnecessary medical and legal jargon, and captures only what is necessary for treating that patient/client population
  6. Electronic-friendly – methodology easily transfers to electronic record-keeping format

I’ve provided a case history form for your perusal.  A treatment note form will follow shortly.  Please give it a trial and send your feedback on any improvements that can be made.  I’d prefer you use my blog so everyone can see your feedback, but also feel free to comment on social media or email me at  This topic is a thorn in the side of many massage therapists…thank you in advance for your contribution to fixing the problem!

p.s. Reference CMTO record keeping standards and

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