
Trish&Don 2Planning a conference?  Download Don’s lecture prospectus.

(I want) more business seminars with Don Dillon.  His seminars would be excellent for my entire staff to hear.  I wish they’d been here!”

“Excellent presenter, very informative and knowledgeable.  I loved the open format!”

“Excellent speaker.  Very interactive.”

“Bring Don back anytime!”

“Good presentation by Don.  Good value for the money.”

“Don Dillon was very MTAS Donelda2informative…should speak in schools to get us all off to a good start”

“I liked the combination of business and personal relationships/attitudes towards money.”

“Very informative…useful and directed to RMTs.”

 W Lowe&DonShould be a requirement for all RMTs…how to take care of your money so it takes care of you!”

“I learned a lot of ideas and improvements to make a better practice.”

“Don provided me with new ways of being efficient with documentation.”

Ken Rezsnyak award“The downward spiral (of soft tissue dysfunction) explains why my weekly treatments over two years are not having lasting benefits.”

“I learned how to avoid being DAC’d…”

“Don Dillon is a leader and visionary—a person who is helping to create the future of our profession (and) holding massage therapy to a higher standard.”

Scott&Don2“I need this…I am now more motivated to go home and work on making my practice more interesting.”

“I learned tons — I have to take control of my practice and marketing!” 

“This is the best workshop I’ve attended in a long time.”

“The workshop was effective in terms of giving a good overview of how to educate and care (for client/patient-base) and still be a good/effective businessperson.”

Polley Collins Dillon“Presentation was packed with very interesting and innovative ideas.”

“(this session could be improved if) more people took this time with Don — he is compassionate, generous and effective.”

“I would recommend this workshop to new grads. I know it would have helped me tremendously when I was setting up my practice. It’s much easier to do things right from the beginning than to have to correct them later .”

Don, Lorna, Andria, Robyn CMCC“Don is very knowledgeable about the topic and presents with humor…is skilled at leading discussions and keeping on topic.”

“Don is an excellent presenter.  I always look forward to his courses.”

“The course has clarified a lot of information that was confusing.”

“Extremely relevant”

“I feel I walked out with very concrete, practical ideas to implement.”

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