Find & Keep Great Associates

You’ve successfully cultivated your own practice.  Now you want to harness your hard-earned established reputation and location, and broker an opportunity for other practitioners.  Perhaps you’re already doing so, but experience trouble attracting excellent practitioners or retaining them.

Jim Smyth, seasoned Massage Therapist and clinic manager shares his direct experience to help you overcome some of the greatest obstacles a massage clinic owner faces…finding and keeping great associates.

In this e-book:

  • the costs of poor recruitment practices
  • where to look for good candidates
  • how to write a classified ad
  • qualities of a great associate
  • the interview process – how to evaluate candidates
  • check your prospect’s values and problem-solving skills BEFORE you hire them!
  • making the offer
  • orienting and training your new associate
  • relationship building and mentorship 

Plus: A reference bank of 45 questions to ensure an effective interview!

Save time, save money, avoid aggravation!  Jim tells you how to recruit, orient and retain excellent massage therapy associates.

    $19.95 + HST

Jim graduated from CCMH in 1991. He is certified in NISA and has studied the St John’s Neuromuscular Therapy method. He supervised student clinic at Sir Sanford Fleming College for 5 years, and was the OMTA Chapter rep in Kawartha Region for seven years. Jim also worked as part of the DAC assessment team in Peterborough for three years.

Jim owns and operates a clinic in Peterborough with seven massage therapists and a fitness facility on site.

2 thoughts on “Find & Keep Great Associates

  1. I would like to read a copy of your book Charting Skills for Massage Therapists but I am unable to find a copy for sale. Could you direct me to your latest copy please? I would prefer an electronic copy (reduce the use of paper) but I would also be willing to purchase a paper copy.

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