CBC Article Illuminates Alarming Vulnerabilities

In the previous post, I mentioned I was contacted by a CBC reporter. I contacted the Executive Directors (ED) in both Ontario and Saskatchewan to respond to the reporter’s inquiries, as I attempted to suss what information the reporter was looking for. The reporter went on to publish an article that showcases an illegitimate association that permits sex trade workers to bill employee health benefits for their services.

This CBC expose has, of course, embarrassed legitimate practitioners. But it has also illuminated alarming vulnerabilities in our profession. My questions to those salaried to properly represent us:

1) What is the MT profession doing to thwart illegitimate associations – via representation from the Canadian Massage Therapist Alliance, and the Federation of Massage Therapy Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FOMTRAC) – and work with government to protect the public and the profession from such exploitive operations? 

2) How closely is the MT profession working with the insurance industry via Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CHLIA) to make fraud unlikely?  It’s been inferred by the ED of RMTAO this is an important and functional relationship.  If so, why isn’t there more collaboration with insurers?

So I wrote the RMTAO ED and asked for action. I have concerns with how the ED has responded previously, particularly to Global News. While the RMTAO ED asserts he’s had public and media relations training, his training isn’t apparent in these two instances. Please write the RMTAO and ask them to push for a national public and media relations response team, properly trained, and proactive in improving our image in the public eye.

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